Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Education funding will be threatened again by budget cuts! Please stay involved.

GOOD JOB!!!! I really feel like we made a difference during the special session.  While even 1% is unacceptable, imagine what would have happened if 2,000+ people had not marched to the Round House and hundreds had not shown up during the session as watchdogs!?

For now, thanks for all your attempts to influence the outcome.  We have a special concern on ¡EV! about education funding because of all our volunteer efforts for literacy and education.  Although still unacceptable, at least the resulting cuts to education  are less than a 1% cut...for now.

However, keep the contact information for Governor Richardson.  You're going to need it -- to influence the Governor during the January 2010 legislative session.  The "battle of the budget" will once again be addressed and threaten education.
(505) 476-2200
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