Got time for helping kids? Believe attention to our young people in any fashion is an investment in their future - and ours? Then consider volunteering with the Santa Fe Public Schools (SFPS) this coming school year!
What can you do? Take a look at this list! Surely something will "call" to you. Anything you sign up for will be appreciated and valuable!
What can you do? Take a look at this list! Surely something will "call" to you. Anything you sign up for will be appreciated and valuable!
- Participate in reading programs!
- Provide computer training and assistance.
- Assist with science projects and field trips.
- Act as mentors to students.
- Provide positive adult role modeling.
- Assist with use of media centers.
- Provide individual attention.
- Share your hobby with classes.
- Act as a community resource instructor.
- Assist on advisory committees.
- Lend support to school offices.
Email me: SFPS Volunteer Coordinator, Helen Pacheco,