Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Santa Fe Public Schools really needs Volunteers. If it helps kids, how good is that? Apply now.

Got time for helping kids? Believe attention to our young people in any fashion is an investment in their future - and ours? Then consider volunteering with the Santa Fe Public Schools (SFPS) this coming school year!

What can you do? Take a look at this list! Surely something will "call" to you. Anything you sign up for will be appreciated and valuable!
  • Participate in reading programs!
  • Provide computer training and assistance.
  • Assist with science projects and field trips.
  • Act as mentors to students.
  • Provide positive adult role modeling.
  • Assist with use of media centers.
  • Provide individual attention.
  • Share your hobby with classes.
  • Act as a community resource instructor.
  • Assist on advisory committees.
  • Lend support to school offices.
BUT FIRST... you've got to fill out a SFPS VOLUNTEER APPLICATION from which a background check will be conducted. So contact Helen Pacheco ASAP for the application...and Helen will also tell you about upcoming Volunteer Orientation and school tours.
Email me: SFPS Volunteer Coordinator, Helen Pacheco,